
Laborbericht - DBI - 5CHIF 16/17

Name: Juri Schreib
Datum: 2016-12-11
HW-Beschreibung: Introduction Uebung_001

Add the followng Table:

Create Table LAST_NAME_STOCK (
  stock_name varchar2(255),
  trading_date date,
  closing_price decimal(10, 2)

Fill the table with Data from the Code_Stock.xlsx file

Average per Stock

select stock_name, trading_date, closing_price, avg(closing_price) over
  (partition by stock_name) as AVG_PRICE
from last_name_stock;

Total Average

select stock_name, trading_date, closing_price, avg(closing_price) over
  (partition by '') as AVG_PRICE
from last_name_stock;

Yesterday & Tomorrow

select stock_name, trading_date, closing_price, avg(closing_price) over
  (partition by '') as AVG_PRICE
from last_name_stock;
select stock_name, trading_date, closing_price, FIRST_VALUE(closing_price) over
  (partition by closing_price
   ORDER BY stock_name, trading_date ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as yesterday,
LAST_VALUE(closing_price) over
  (partition by closing_price
  ORDER BY stock_name, trading_datem ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 1 FOLLOWING) as tomorrow
from last_name_stock;

Rank function

select RANK(1.43) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY closing_price)

