
Laborbericht - DBI - 5CHIF 16/17

Name: Juri Schreib
Datum: 2016-12-13
HW-Beschreibung: Introduction Uebung_001


Computer Hard- and Software Retailer (e.g. Apple Computers, Microsoft)

What are the operative systems of your company

  • Computer Hardware (online & retrail)
  • Software
  • Cloud Services

What are typical DWH questions for finance controlling?

  • How many computers werre sold in a specific timespan?
  • How much software products will the User pay for, after they bought a computer from us
  • If the computer is damged, is he willing to repair it directrly from us?

What are typical DWH questions for marketing?

  • Which product is the most popular?
  • What products are bought together?

